Leveraging network capabilities at ING

"Our goal was to enable ING Wholesale Banking's employees to leverage our network capabilities and sector expertise to help our clients stay a step ahead, wherever their global footprint may take them."
– Vincent Verhoeff, Head of Marketing, ING Wholesale Banking Europe.
What began as basic research to deliver on customer promise revealed surprising insights that led ING WB to change the way it engages employees. Today, ING WB offers an enhanced digital experience for its employees – achieving significant network share ratio growth in the process.
In 2014, ING Wholesale Banking global marketing embarked on a research effort to evaluate how to empower customers, anytime, anywhere. First, they examined ING WB's strengths compared to competitors. Second, they studied how they could leverage those strengths to remain relevant to clients.
Delivering on customer promise
The team found that:
• In our highly globalised world, business success is often a function of international pres- ence. International trade is continuously growing, clients want to have an integrated view on their financial household and more accurate intelligence 'from the front line' so they can stay a step ahead
• ING's 'on the ground' presence in over 40 countries is one of the core strengths
To leverage this strength, ING developed a strategy to make banking clear and easy, to be there for clients anytime, anywhere, to empower them to make smart decisions and to keep getting better.
A Vision of Engagement Excellence
Working with SHFT Happens, ING began developing a roadmap to offer a rich, compelling way to deliver knowledge on the international business capabilities to employees.
"Our goal was to enable ING Wholesale Banking's employees to leverage our network capabilities and sector expertise to help our clients stay a step ahead, wherever their global footprint may take them," says Vincent Verhoeff, Head of Market ing and Communications, ING Wholesale Banking Europe.
To start, ING completed a detailed assessment of what the communication function could and should provide in order to promote the international network, capabilities and sector strengths in each country. This information helped underscore specific information shortcomings and identify the gaps that hampered account managers from most optimally leveraging the network.
For example, employees felt SHFT Happens adequately informed about, and didn't know where to find the right information on ING's business capabilities in each specific country. In addition collaboration showed room for improvement, with product capabilities and competitiveness scoring high among the factors for successful collaboration. Limitations like these led to dynamic knowledge becoming a guiding principle as the project moved forward.
Throughout the project, SHFT Happens facilitated the development of a multi-channel strategy and a dedicated platform, which featured one country in ING's network at a time in engaging formats, such as short videos and infographics. From concept to implementation, the entire programme was launched within four months and currently delivers a consistent feed of knowledge digitally, one edition a month, presented by local teams. The initiative grew organically, gaining momentum and interest form the network almost instantly. While this approach was new to ING staff, with help from Ina they adapted quickly with readership rates ranging around 51%.
An Improved Customer Experience Comes to Life
SHFT Happens' solution incorporated digital communications and engagement tactics to boost both knowledge and pride with regards to ING's business capabilities.
"Sensitivity to culture and process, along with SHFT Happens' pragmatic and organized approach, kept us on track throughout the entire trajectory," says Vincent. "It enabled us to get the project off the ground in record time. The practical roadmap and the flexible setup of the programme offered room to add on other topics and help facilitate engagement on strategic priorities, for example."
With the foundation of the integrated knowledge platform established, SHFT Happens' addressed other aspects necessary to improve client engagement and facilitate growth in network share rates:
Coaching: Trained local client and sector specialists to deliver complex information in a compelling way
Strategy: Facilitated employee alignment with ING's ThinkForward strategy, continuously empowering staff to deliver WB's strategy and implementation plan
Digital Communications: Evolved from ING's traditional intranet article model to a video-magazine
SHFT Happens facilitated the change to increase cross-selling and network share ratio throught the development of a multi-channel strategy and a dedicated platform, which featured one country in ING's network at a time on a periodical basis. From concept to implementation, the entire programme was launched within four months and currently delivers a consistent feed of knowledge digitally. The initiative grew organically, gaining momentum and engagement from the network almost instantly.
Pascal Martin, Head of International Clients Wholesale Banking ING France:
"teamupto – the initiative, which SHFT Happens designed and implemented, is a success. SHFT Happens's coaching throughout the process moreover, was very much appreciated and helpful. It enabled us, to focus the message we wanted to deliver. They helped bring out the best in us."
Anne Sophie Castelnau, Head of Client Coverage ING France: "Thank you for the coaching. Lots of warm support and advise which served as the key to success!"
Inigo Churruca, Head of ING Wholesale Banking Spain: "Thank you very much for your great job! I am very happy with the outcome."
Vincent Verhoeff, Head of Marketing, ING Wholesale Banking Europe: "We found a winning combination when we brought SHFT together with the vision of ING's marketing experts, resulting in a collaboration that improved network share rates and employee engagement."
Ina Catrinescu, SHFT Happens: "Effectively showcasing the local expertise and capabilities internally, was the key to growing ING's network share. We've built an incredible engaging digital relationship with the employees and the countries as a result."