Client Case Study: A New Business Model Designed in Collaboration with SHFT Happens

The Challenge

Whello, a company with a reliable track record, sought to transform its business model from competing in a crowded market space (Red Ocean) to leading in an uncontested market space (Blue Ocean). The aim was to transition from being a reliable vendor to becoming a preferred partner, breaking away from the traditional value-cost trade-offs, and leveraging innovation for sustainable growth.

Our Solution

SHFT Happens collaborated with Whello to reimagine its business model and strategy, aligning with a forward-thinking vision known as Whello 4.0. This new approach was designed to foster intelligence-based growth, making sales efforts more selective and enhancing profitability through business model differentiation.

Business Model Canvas

We facilitated a series of workshops to develop a comprehensive Business Model Canvas for Whello. This tool helped outline how Whello would create, deliver, and capture value in the new market space.

Partnership Strategy

SHFT Happens assisted Whello in devising a robust partnerships strategy, including implementation if required. This strategy focused on identifying and collaborating with incubators and other entities to capture low-hanging fruit and drive exponential growth.

Employee and Customer Metrics

We worked on refining the profiles for Whello 4.0, identifying key roles such as Account Managers and Analysts, essential for the new model. Additionally, we evaluated the employee and customer metrics, projecting significant improvements in efficiency and profitability.

Legal and Tax Considerations

Our team conducted legal and tax assessments to ensure that Whello 4.0 was compliant and optimized for maximum benefit. This included setting up investment funds for advertising budgets and elaborating on the investment-ready checklist.

Revenue Share Model

We recommended a revenue-sharing model to align stakeholder interests and drive mutual growth. This model was designed to provide better odds of success for startups, ensuring Whello transitioned from a company to a thought leader and economy supporter.

Emotional Intelligence and Well-being Workshops

To support the cultural shift within Whello, SHFT Happens conducted a series of Emotional Intelligence (EI) and well-being workshops. These sessions aimed to enhance self-awareness, emotional regulation, and resilience among Whello's employees, fostering a more adaptive and innovative work environment.

The Impact

Enhanced Profitability

Whello experienced a marked increase in profitability, with a projected additional profit of €2.3 million over four years compared to the current model.

Increased Efficiency

The new business model emphasized intelligence-based growth, reducing the need for a large customer base while significantly increasing profitability per customer.

Stronger Market Position

By shifting from competing on existing demand to creating and capturing new demand, Whello positioned itself as a leader in the market, making competition irrelevant.

Improved Employee Engagement

The EI and well-being workshops led to higher employee satisfaction and engagement, with 51% of employees becoming active advocates of the new initiatives.

Sustainable Growth

The strategic partnership and revenue-sharing models ensured that Whello's growth was not only rapid but also sustainable, with a focus on long-term value creation.

Through this collaboration, SHFT Happens successfully helped Whello navigate a critical transformation, setting the stage for sustainable, intelligent growth and a stronger market presence. The shift to Whello 4.0 exemplifies the power of innovative thinking and strategic collaboration in driving business success.